Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Session 0: The Pre-Game

We had the first meeting of the Pathfinder-Ravenloft game last night. The session was for character-generation, answering questions, and to test-drive our map server software for our remote players.

Technology: We will be using MapTool as our map server. This is a very slick piece of open-source software that allows everyone, both physically present and connecting remotely, to look at and manipulate counters on the same virtual map. We've been using iChat for video conferencing for the last game, but pointing the camera at the battle mat wasn't a great solution.

I'm setting up a two-laptop solution: I'm running the GM view from my laptop, and a second laptop with external monitor shows the players' view and the video chat.

The test-drive had some rough patches: the remote players weren't able to connect to the server due to a router problem which we weren't able to solve. For that and other reasons, we're changing the venue next week and moving forward to my house.

Characters: Characters aren't yet etched in stone, and none are yet named, but here are the outlines so far:

Dan will be playing a male human ranger from the Northlands. He's specialized in two-handed weapon style.

JP will be playing a human male wizard (transmuter) who has been studying at the Academy Arcane in Riddleport. He's in Sandpoint ostensibly to study some ancient Thassalonian ruins, but he may be there mainly for the big party.

Eric will be playing a human cleric of Iomedae or possibly Sarenrae.

Mark has chosen to play a human male wizard (universalist). He has chosen to have a bonded object (staff) rather than a familiar. He is really in town to study the ruins.

Laurie will be a paladin of Iomedae.

Scott will run a human female rogue, and will be taking the sniper alternate rogue build.

For next week: The adventure begins!

I have asked all the players to finalize their characters and to please read the "Players Background" document I wrote.

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